of Functions
V++ incorporates
many hundreds of image processing functions, including brightness,
contrast and gamma corrections, advanced color processing, shading
corrections, geometric transformations, linear and non-linear filters,
Fourier processing, histograms, intensity profile plotting, image
statistics, image arithmetic, logical operations, relational operations,
extended image and complex mathematics, morphological processing,
automatic blob counting full object shape analysis, and much more…

Advanced Data Types
V++ leads the precision scientific
imaging industry with its extensive support for advanced data types
that range from simple binary and byte images to 96-bit floating
point color and 128-bit complex images. All data types are supported
transparently in every imaging operation giving you unprecedented
choice and precision for your scientific applications. V++ also
provides 100% support for 3D data in the form of image “stacks”
or “sequences” that can be played as movies and even
exported as AVI video clips. Digital Optics’ proprietary Intelligent
Image Display™ technology provides for optimum display of
all images including the extensive range of advanced data types.

Kikuchi electron backscatter diffraction pattern.
Courtesy of D. Rohde, Noran Instruments, Madison, WI.
Image Capture
V++ is fully integrated with advanced
digital cameras, video frame grabbers, and scanners. All hardware
features are accessible, including controlling multiple devices
simultaneously (even devices of different types).
Innovative technology compresses
all of the functionality of your cameras and frame grabbers into
an incredibly small on-screen footprint.
As well as cameras and frame grabbers, V++ can control
a variety of laboratory equipment including scanners, filter wheels, microscope stages
and more. You can automate complex serial communications tasks and make full use of
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), with V++ acting as either a server or a client.
Automation with VPascal™
is a full featured high-level programming language for automating
imaging tasks. It has expressions, looping, control structures,
variables, functions, multi-tasking and much more, but remains easy
to use. VPascal implicitly understands image, vector and matrix
math so you can calculate complicated image expressions in a single
line of code by simply writing out the formula. Your programs can
create their own toolbars and menus.

You can even generate programs automatically
with the built-in recorder. There are more than 700 pre-defined
functions plus full support for all image and sequence types. If
you need to, you can even call your own external library routines.
Click here to find out more about VPascal.
The V++ Advantage
Add to all of this the widely acclaimed
quality of Digital Optics documentation and user support, and you
begin to see why scientific researchers all over the world are turning
to V++ for their imaging and spectroscopy needs.

Electron microscope
image of a virus. Courtesy of School of Veterinary Sciences, Massey
University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.